How To Transfer Money from Bank to Easypaisa Account

Are you looking for a solution on how to transfer money from a bank to an Easypaisa account? If so, then in this article, I shall guide you on how to deposit money from a bank to an Easypaisa account in a very simple step.


How To Transfer Money from Bank to Easypaisa Account

Easypaisa is one of the best and most used mobile-based digital wallets in Pakistan. By using the Easypaisa app, users can conduct various financial transactions, including sending and receiving money, paying bills, purchasing mobile loads, and making online payments through their mobile phones.

Easypaisa is operated by Telenor Pakistan in collaboration with Telenor Microfinance Bank. It provides an easy and accessible way for people to manage their finances without the need for traditional banking services. Easypaisa has gained significant popularity in Pakistan due to its ease of use and widespread availability.

If you want to deposit money from your bank to Easypaisa or want to transfer money to your friend or colleague's Easypaisa account, then here are the steps on how to transfer money from your bank to Easypaisa.

1. Login Bank Account


In the first step, open your bank app and login to it.

2. Transfer Money


Now, click on the Transfer Button as shown in the picture.

3. Select the Bank


In this step, select the Telenor Microfinance Bank to transfer money to your Easypaisa account.

4.Account Number


Now enter your Easypaisa account number. 

5.Enter amount


In this step, choose the amount to transfer to and click on the next button.

6. Confirmation


In the last step, confirm the account number and amount of money, and click on the confirm button.

Now you have successfully transferred or deposited money from the bank to your Easypaisa account number.

Also See, how to send money from Easypaisa to bank

How To Deposit Money From Bank To Easypaisa Account


I hope you have successfully learned how to transfer money from a bank to an Easypaisa account. If you have any questions, you can contact me on my Instagram account.

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